Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Heavy Snow = Heavy Trees.

One thing we can be certain of in Northern Nevada this time of year is snow…and plenty of it! It comes as no surprise that as the snow gets more intense, severe side effects start to appear. As you might have observed and heard, heavy snow often comes with the tell-tale cracking sound indicative of the damage it is inflicting on your plants.

These are some of the risks of heavy snow on trees –

1.  Bending…sometimes the entire tree.

2.  Splitting…a tree can literally go into shock and split from the weight.

3.  Breaking…branches just give out and break entirely.

4.  Falling…the ultimate disaster on your property!

Whatever may become of the winter of 2021, if it includes heavy snow around your Reno area property, you may need the help of The Tree Professionals. They are winter-care tree experts in Northern Nevada who help you with the ravages of heavy snow on your property. Just visit and call (775) 420-8694.

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